What Insomnia Can Teach You About Happiness And Productivity

Have you ever gone to bed at night and found yourself awake hours later? Or maybe you've struggled to fall asleep in the first place? These are common problems, but they don't have to ruin your life. In fact, insomnia can actually teach us a lot about how to live a happier, more productive life.
Insomnia is a sleep problem that causes trouble falling or staying asleep.
Insomnia is a sleep problem that causes trouble falling or staying asleep. It's often caused by stress, anxiety, and depression, but certain medications and other factors can also bring it on.
If you have insomnia, this means that even though you're tired when it comes time for bedtime--and probably feel pretty exhausted during the day--you still have trouble falling asleep at night. You may lie awake in bed for hours before finally drifting off into slumberland (if at all). When this repeatedly happens over time, it can lead to serious health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.
Sleep problems can make your life miserable.
If you're suffering from insomnia, it can make your life miserable. You might feel tired, frustrated, and irritable. You may also be depressed or anxious, making it even harder for you to fall asleep. Insomnia can also cause stress which makes people think about their problems over and over again all night long, making them less likely to fall asleep once they go to bed.
Furthermore, studies show that poor sleep affects the ability of the brain's prefrontal cortex (PFC) - an area responsible for decision-making skills like planning or concentrating on something important - which means that someone who doesn't get enough sleep at night may struggle with doing these things during the day.
Insomnia isn't just about how many hours you sleep; it's also about the quality of your sleep.
Insomnia isn't just about how many hours you sleep; it's also about the quality of your sleep. Sleep quality is measured by the amount of time you spend in each sleep stage, and there are two main stages: REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement).
In most people, REM makes up 20%-25% of their nightly rest time. When we enter this stage, our brain waves become very active--so much so that they resemble those seen during wakefulness. This phase is followed by deep slow-wave sleep, where the heart rate slows, and body temperature drops slightly below normal levels.
NREM accounts for 75%-80% of our nightly rest period; these stages include light dozing when we're close to waking up or falling asleep again after being awakened suddenly from a deep slumber by noisy neighbors who think it's funny to throw eggs at cars parked outside their houses at 5 AM on Saturday mornings because "we're young!"
It may be tempting to reach for sleeping pills if you have insomnia, but those can come with side effects and risks.
If you're struggling with insomnia, it may be tempting to reach for sleeping pills. But while they can help you fall asleep faster, they come with side effects and risks. Sleeping pills can cause drowsiness the next day, which means that even if your sleep is improved initially after taking them, over time, your body will adjust, and the medication won't work as well. This puts people at risk of becoming dependent on their sleep aids--and when dependence sets in, it's hard to stop using them without experiencing withdrawal symptoms or other health problems like high blood pressure or memory loss.
Sleep aids also tend to be expensive: according to Consumer Reports, one month's supply of Ambien costs an average of $65 per month; Lunesta costs more than twice as much ($133) per month!
When you have insomnia, it's common to feel anxiety, depression, and even anger.
When you have insomnia, it's common to feel anxiety, depression, and even anger. That may seem surprising at first--after all, it's not like your brain has gotten any less tired because of your sleeplessness. But what we know about the relationship between sleep problems and mental health issues suggests that these feelings are actually related to how much time you spend awake at night rather than what happens during that time period.
The first thing to understand is that insomnia can cause anxiety and depression as well as exacerbate existing symptoms in people who already suffer from these conditions. These two types of mood disorders are linked by their shared biological basis: they both involve changes in neurotransmitters such as serotonin (which affects mood), norepinephrine (which regulates attention), and dopamine (which rewards behaviors). In addition to affecting neurotransmitter levels directly through its influence over our circadian rhythm system (the body's internal clock), poor sleep also disrupts hormone regulation -- which may explain why women are more likely than men to experience postpartum depression after giving birth -- leading some researchers to believe there may be an evolutionary advantage behind our need for restful slumber every night."
The good news is that there are ways you can deal with insomnia without pills or other medications.
The good news is that there are ways you can deal with insomnia without pills or other medications. Sleep hygiene, meditation, exercise, and relaxation techniques have all been shown to improve sleep quality in people with chronic insomnia.
For example:
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol (especially late at night) as much as possible. Caffeine keeps you awake by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain; alcohol disrupts sleep by interfering with REM stages of dreaming sleep and also interferes with deep restorative stages of non-REM sleep by increasing the production of cortisol (a stress hormone).
- Don't nap during the day if possible - napping can make it harder for you to go back to bed later on in the evening because it makes your circadian rhythms shift earlier than usual, which makes it more difficult for your body clock to adjust itself when trying for a later bedtime
Sleeping well can help you live a happier life.
Sleep is important for your body and mind. It helps you focus, remember and learn. It keeps you healthy by giving your body a chance to repair itself during sleep, which allows for proper functioning during waking hours. And it makes you feel good--sleep deprivation leads to irritability, depression, and even hallucinations!
Sleep also plays an important role in productivity: research shows that people who get enough sleep are more productive than their tired counterparts. In one study conducted at Harvard Business School (HBS), researchers found that participants who slept less than six hours per night performed worse on cognitive tests than those who got eight hours of shuteye each night; likewise, those who slept 10 hours demonstrated no significant improvement over those who only got eight hours of restful slumber each night.
Get yourself to bed at the right time.
If possible, try sticking with a regular schedule as much as possible so that both body and mind know what time they should be winding down their day and preparing themselves for bedtime; this consistency will help keep things organized instead of feeling like everything's falling apart every night at 11 pm because everything feels rushed/overwhelmingly busy/"not enough time" etc...
Sleep issues are nothing new. We can learn a lot from them if we pay attention
Sleep issues are nothing new, and we can learn a lot from them if we pay attention.
Insomnia isn't just about how many hours you sleep; it's also about the quality of your sleep, which is often impacted by stress, anxiety, and depression. If you're having trouble sleeping at night because of these conditions or any other reason, then insomnia may be affecting your life in ways that go beyond just feeling tired during the day.
Your body needs enough rest to function properly daily--and chronic insomnia can make that difficult or impossible for some people with persistent symptoms (which include difficulty falling asleep). However, if you're looking for ways to get better rest at night so that you feel refreshed when morning comes around again -- here are some tips:
The good news is that there are many ways to deal with insomnia. If you're having trouble sleeping, it's important not to let yourself get too stressed out about it; remember that this problem affects millions of people worldwide every day. The most important thing is just making sure that you stay positive and keep trying new things until one eventually works out for you